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Personalised embroidered heart

left in stock

This personalised embroidered heart is a spin off from my most popular Valentines hearts, this time with tiny pink stitched hearts and the option to add your words. Each tiny heart is embroidered by freehand making it a completely unique item.

You can add up to 6 words of your choice which will I will embroider for you in a dark grey thread. Each heart measures 10 x 11cm and is the perfect size for a large letter box making it a great postable gift.

Please note that all items are made to order, once I have made your items I will ship them in protective packaging by 1st class post. Orders over £25 will require signing for. 

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Enter your custom message / names
You can add different recipients to different items as you add them to your basket. Add one name and message per item that you add, then enter their delivery info at the checkout. If you're sending more than one item to the same person, just use the same name each time you add to cart and we'll do the rest...with magic!
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I have now closed for orders for 2024, thank you so much for your support this year.

I will reopen on Thursday 23rd January at 8pm.

Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Jane xx